Classification Of Robotics

As Mentioned, robotics can be classified into the following: 1. Robotic Manipulator 2. Wheeled Mobile Robots (WMR) 3. Legged Robots 4. Underwater Robots and Flying Robots 5. Robot Vision 6. Artificial Intelligence 7. Industrial Automation Remote Communications Networks SCADA Host Sofware SCADA Security Conclusion of SCADA About Slave-to- Slave Messaging SCADA 1. Robotic Arms Robotic arms have become useful and economical tools in manufacturing, medicine, and other industries. 2. Wheeled Mobile Robots Wheeled mobile robots perform many tasks in industry and in the military. 3. Legged Robots Lecomotion on the ground can be realized with tree different basic mechanisms: i. Slider ii. Liver, and iii. Wheel or track Out of the above three mechanisms, the first two are walking mechanisms, and in these cases the robot moves on legs. So many robots have been designed that follow the walking mechanism. Walking mechanisms have their own adva...