Belajar B. Inggris (Present Time) - 1
1-1 The Simple Present and The Present Progressive The simple Present Contoh kalimat: a. Ann takes a shower every day . b. I usually read the newspaper in the morning. c. Babies cry . Birds fly. d. NEGATIVE: it doesn,t snow in Bangkok e. QUESTION; Does the teacher speak slowly? PENJELASAN: The SIMPLE PRESENT mengekspresikan kebiasaan sehari-hari atau kegiatan yang biasa dilakukan, seperti pada contoh (a) dan (b). The simple present mengekspresikan pertanyaan umum dari fakta seperti pada contoh (c). Singkatnya, the simple present digunakan untuk pristiwa atau situasi yang selalu ada, biasanya, atau kebiasaan diwaktu lampau, sekarang, dan masa depan. The Present Progressive f. Ann can't come to the phone right now because she is taking a shower g. I am reading my grammar book right now . h. Jimmy and Susie are babies. They are crying . I can hear them right now . Maybe they are hungry. i. NEGATIVE: it isn't snow right now j. QUESTION: